Networking Ministries and Agencies in Global Education.

Global Education Network Europe (GENE) is the European network of Ministries and Agencies with national responsibility for policymaking, funding and support in the field of Global Education.

Started in 2001 with 6 national structures from 6 countries, GENE now has grown to include over 50 Ministries, Agencies and other national bodies, from over 25 countries.

Latest News

ANGEL Conference 2025 - Save the Date!

The Academic Network on Global Education and Learning (ANGEL) Conference 2025 will take place at the Humboldt Forum in Berlin from 4-6 June 2025. The conference will focus on research in Global Education and Learning, providing crucial evidence for the field, and offering a unique opportunity to connect with leading scholars, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners. ANGEL is partnering with the University of Bamberg, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Engagement Global, and GENE for this event. Further details will be provided in the coming months. Follow the conversation with #ANGELconference2025. Mark your calendars and we look forward to seeing you in Berlin!

  • GENE Roundtable 50 in Video Highlights

    GENE has been bringing together global education policymakers, through Multilateral Roundtables, since 2001. In April 2024, GENE celebrated its 50th Roundtable in Madrid, co-hosted by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). This video captures attendees sharing their perspectives on GENE's work, what inspires them about our mission, and how GENE has contributed to national Global Education policy and strengthened multilateralism. Watch the summary video here.

  • Calling for a UK strategy on Global Learning

    On 18 July 2024, more than 30 UK educational centres united to call for the UK government to take swift and meaningful action to promote and support the use of Global Learning approaches in UK schools and universities. Professor Doug Bourn, a lead member of the coalition from the IOE, Faculty of Education and Society, said: “With the increased interest and demand from many young people for learning about global and sustainability issues, there is an urgent need for a new approach that embeds Global Learning within the lives of all schools across the UK.” Liam Wegimont, GENE Director, added: “There is a strong community of global educators across the UK, working in the different jurisdictions, ready to act in favour of this agenda. But the sector needs resourcing, and the government needs a strategy, developed in consultation with stakeholders.” Read more.

  • GENE contributes to the OECD Development Co-operation Report 2024

    Launched on 17 July at the UN High-level Political Forum in New York, the report focuses on tackling global poverty, inequality and a just green transition. GENE has been glad to contribute to the report in a chapter focused on public opinion research, public support, public engagement and the need for global education. Read GENE's chapter here (full report here).

    Public support for poverty eradication, global social justice and a just green transition remains high; but gaps in information and misinformation can sully public support. Growing movements in Global Education - in OECD countries and globally - with decades of experience; can provide the antidote and bolster critical public engagement with issues of global justice. You can watch the report launch here.

  • New publication: "Global Education in Europe: National Histories"

    The evolution of Global Education in Europe is chronicled in the newly released book "Global Education in Europe: National Histories". While research in Global Education has been flourishing in recent years, including through networks like ANGEL - the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning, publications such as the database GEL - Global Education and Learning and the GENE-EERA partnership, there is little research on the history of Global Education at national level in European countries. This publication marks a significant contribution to the importance of history in this field, while positioning Global Education at the forefront of discussions on education policy and provision, international cooperation and solidarity, and foreign policy. Since its inception, GENE has focused on fostering progress and policy learning across borders. Policy learning can only happen if we refuse to pretend that our current configurations are the only possible configurations; and learn from past experiences along with current comparative policy and practice. Download the book here.

  • Malta opening a first Centre for Global Citizenship Education

    GENE would like to congratulate the Maltese colleagues from the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation and the college team with the recent opening of the first of the four Centres for Global Citizenship Education, at St Ignatius College in Qormi in Malta. The purpose of the centre is to foster critical thinking, appreciation for nature, problem-solving skills, and other essential competencies among students. It aims to go beyond the traditional learning methods and equip students with practical skills and knowledge that extend beyond the classroom. The school inauguration was honored by the presence of Education Minister Dr Clifton Grima and Permanent Secretary Mr Matthew Vella. Minister Grima emphasised that such projects provide students with the necessary competencies to become global citizens, equipped to face the challenges of tomorrow. GENE is delighted to be working in partnership with Maltese colleagues from the Ministry of Education and Education Malta to realise increased and improved Global Education, in line with the Dublin Declaration. Read more.

  • GENE and AICS partnership for more and better Global Education

    On 30 May 2024, GENE Executive Director Liam Wegimont had the honor of being welcomed by Marco Riccardo Rusconi, Director of AICS – the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, at their headquarters in Rome. Our meeting was a valuable opportunity to highlight the significant work AICS is doing to translate the commitments made in the National Strategy for Global Citizenship Education and the Dublin Declaration into action through a National Action Plan. Italy's involvement of regions and local authorities, as well as the promotion of inter- and intra-regional dialogue on Global Education, is commendable. We also discussed ways in which GENE and AICS might further cooperate. In GENE we are delighted to continue the partnership with AICS and look forward to supporting Italy's efforts in advancing Global Education, towards the day when all people in Italy have access to quality global education. Read more.

  • Discover the European Declaration on Global Education to 2050

    Embark on a journey towards a brighter future through the European Declaration on Global Education to 2050. This strategic framework aims to shape learning for a future we can all anticipate with optimism.

    In 2021, GENE, in collaboration with European member states, initiated the development of this groundbreaking declaration to address the evolving landscape of Global Education policy and practice. The result is the 'European Declaration on Global Education to 2050,' also known as 'The Dublin Declaration.' To explore the guide to this transformative declaration, click here. For the full-length declaration, visit here and delve into the commitments and vision that propel Global Education towards the forefront of policy and strategy in European countries. Join us in shaping a future where quality Global Education is accessible to all in Europe and beyond.

  • GENE Supports Camões Team with a Training in Global Education

    On 21-22 May, GENE conducted a comprehensive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training in Global Education for the team at the Portuguese Agency for Language, Culture, and Development (Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P.). As a valued member agency, GENE was privileged to lead this intensive training at the request of Camões' Directors, management, and human resources department. The training focused on integrating Global Education into Camões' work, aligning with Portuguese Development Cooperation policy. Through collaborative sessions, the GENE Secretariat team engaged Camões staff from various divisions to update them on the national strategy on Global Education and international advancements in the field. Furthermore, the training fostered organisational cohesion by enhancing team spirit and coherence across Camões' diverse functions. For more details on how GENE can provide tailored Global Education training for ministries and agencies, reach out to us here.

  • GENE Engages with UNECE Committee on Education for Sustainable Development

    GENE was honored to participate in the recent meeting of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) committee on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Geneva from 29-31 May. During the meeting, member states presented progress reports on the committee's work plan and received updates from international partners on ESD initiatives in various global forums. GENE shared insights from its work with the Dublin Declaration and its collaborative efforts with the UNECE ESD committee to advance sustainable development through transformative education. The partnership between GENE and UNECE underscores a shared dedication to aligning agendas and fostering a unified approach to Global Education and ESD across Europe. Collaboration among stakeholders in related fields is crucial in realising the ambitious objectives outlined in Agenda 2030, as well as in the Dublin Declaration on Global Education to 2050 and the UNECE ESD Strategy to 2030 at the European level.

European Declaration on Global Education in Europe to 2050

Adopted at the Dublin Congress on 3-4 November 2022 | Dublin Castle, Ireland

The declaration was drafted in consultation with Ministries and Agencies, of Foreign Affairs and Education, from across Europe, with youth organisations, civil society organisations, local governments and international organisations, along with researchers in the field, as well as global critical friends from Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas, to ensure a strong and visionary document.

The Dublin Congress was hosted by the Government of Ireland, co-chaired by the Government of Luxembourg, and convened by GENE.

The Dublin Congress brought together over 300 participants, including representatives from the ministries and agencies that make up the GENE network, youth organisations, civil society, local and regional governments, academia, international organisations and colleagues from other regions. The Congress ended with the adoption of the new GE2050 Declaration, making commitments regarding the role of education in contributing to international solidarity, human rights, global social justice, sustainability and peace.

Recent Publications

Quality and Good Practice in Global Education across Europe

This publication presents GENE’s Global Education Award 2020/21, focused on quality and good practice in Global Education across Europe.


Quality and Impact in Global Education

What can be considered as “impact” in Global Education and how this impact can be analysed? Both questions are dealt with within the scope of the research project.


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Policy Learning in Global Education

This paper arises from a peer exchange between policymakers with responsibilities in Global Education in Slovakia and Portugal, facilitated by GENE.


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Global Education and Climate Change

A policy briefing that addresses the question of how Global Education can contribute to the discourses and practices around education for climate change.


Recent Articles


Education, democracy and global solidarity:
learning to understand the other

In November 2016, thanks to colleagues from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France, Edgar Morin honoured GENE by his presence in addressing and giving the keynote closing lecture to the GENE Paris Conference. To celebrate his 100th birthday, GENE published his keynote speech. Morin reminds us of the crucial centrality of history, memory, understanding what it means to be human and solidarity. In his address, he summed it up simply: the current education system is obsolete. The response: recognising the growing complexity, we need to put global solidarity at the heart of education in an age of uncertainty.


Global Education: What Education Systems Need in a Time of Crises

Education that helps open people’s eyes and encourages them to act in solidarity with others is not something new. Indeed, as long as people have thought about learning; there has been a question at the heart of the conversation: how to ensure that people learn not just how to fit into the way things are, but also learn how to change things. Given the current political context in Europe and globally – the challenges to democracy, the rule of law, multilateralism, human rights, solidarity, justice and truth; and given the ongoing pandemic - this kind of education (that is: Global Education) is just what the world needs, and what education systems need, right now.


Listen for free a series of webinars (in German) on different topics related to evidence-based global learning. Access the webinars here.

“The challenges of the 21st century - be it pandemics or climate change or other issues of justice, local and global - can only be responded to together and in cooperation. That is why multilateral cooperation is so important, and why as GENE we work together at a European level to increase and improve Global Education for all.”

– Prof. Annette Scheunpflug, GENE Chair

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministries and Agencies that support GENE. Its contents are the sole responsibility of GENE and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.